John-Carlos Perea (Mescalero Apache/Chicano) is our December Music Maker on Native America Calling.
Listen to our live interview with him on December 4, 2014.
John-Carlos Perea (Mescalero Apache/Chicano) is our December Music Maker on Native America Calling.
Listen to our live interview with him on December 4, 2014.
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‘Tis the season for cakes, cookies, fudge, chocolate, frosting, sugar sprinkles, candy, office holiday parties, dinners and feasts. Many treats this time of the year are sweet and we let our pants out a little bit and enjoy these culinary delights. It’s easy to fall into unhealthy eating habits. But what if you are diabetic? Does the holiday season create a danger for your health? Should friends and family take action to ease the sugar and carb load on those who are diabetic or pre-diabetic? Have you had to change your holiday habits because you need to manage your diabetes? We’ll have tips and advice and we welcome your stories about how you manage diabetes during the holiday season.
Melissa Chlupach – Regional Health Care Dietitian for Nana Management Services
Denna Frost (Southern Ute) – Program coordinator for the Shining Mountain Diabetes Program at Southern Ute
Margilene Barney (Navajo) – Nutritionist with Navajo Nation Special Diabetes Project
Tim Murphy (Navajo)
Break Music: Bacon Fat (song) Jesse Ed Davis (artist) Keep Me Comin’ (album)
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Today we listen to holiday music from across our Native Nations. Holiday music often fills stores and radio stations before Thanksgiving and continues through December. Have you heard “Joy to the World” in Navajo? Or what about Randall Paskemin’s weasels singing a Christmas song? What is your favorite Native Holiday song? Would you like to hear more Native holiday music each season? On this show we’ll share Native American holiday music and good wishes for the holiday.
Yaqui musician Gabriel Ayala.
Break Music: Jingle Bells (song) Carol Adams (artist) Heart Beat Of The Holiday Season (album)
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This month we turn to the pages of a book that brings dozens of Indigenous voices together from across North America. “Dreaming in Indian” features artists, entertainers and community leaders. This anthology provides readers with a unique look into the intersection of our Native lives. The editors and some contributors will join us for the hour.
Break Music: Sisters (song) Tribe Called Red (artist) Nation II Nation (album)
TV shows take on a variety of topics including politics, culture and crime. Regular Native American characters are not common in most series, but many shows do take on the topic of Native Americans for one episode. Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode with the cigar store Indian? What about the episode of the X-files that takes place on a reservation? On this show we’ll discuss when TV shows attempt their “Native American Episode.” We’ll cover plot twists, stereotypes, and general misinformation. What is your favorite “Native American Episode?”
E-mail your favorite show to
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The holidays are upon us. That means many people are staying indoors. Some families gather around a board game while others out to the casino or set up extra controllers for the game console. What are your favorite games? Today we will learn about games are good for your brain. And just for fun, we’re playing radio bingo. Visit our Facebook page, download a copy of our colored bingo cards and play along.
Break Music: Remembering The Warrior (song) Porcupine Singers (artist) Alowanpi – Songs Of Honoring – Lakota Classics: Past & Present, Vol. 1 (album)
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Philip J. Deloria (Dakota) is known as a professor and author of books like “Playing Indian” and “Indians in Unexpected Places.” His work looks at stereotypes and highlights Natives who have helped to break down what people may expect of Natives. He has also been connected to the Organization of American Historians and is a Trustee of the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. Today he join us to talk about how stereotypes have shaped people’s perceptions of Native America. We’ll also explore how history shapes our Native lives. We invite you to join us as we visit with Philip J. Deloria.
Break Music: Victory Song (song) Thunder Hill (artist) Relentless (album)
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Climate change in Alaska is on the minds of many people in Alaska Native communities. Melting ice and other environmental changes are already having an impact on subsistence hunting. Changes in the landscape and sea ice are putting lives at risk. In this hour, we will explore the consequences of climate change on Alaska Natives and hear what some individuals and villages are doing to adapt. What does climate change mean to you?
Break Music: Bird Songs (song) Unknown (song)
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The holiday shopping season is in full swing. Ads for the latest toys and gadgets are everywhere. Have you noticed the commercials for this year’s must-have gifts? Are the children in your family begging for a new video game or plastic toy? According to the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, about 17 billion dollars is spent every year on advertising to children. We will bring you an inside look at the techniques used to market products to children. Some studies suggest a connection between food marketing and childhood obesity. Do you think ads for sugary drinks or high fat food encourages young people to eat and drink more of them?
Jessica Collins, program director of the Media Literacy Project.
Break Music: Santa I’m Broke (song) Andrea Menard (artist) Sparkle (album)
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An 8-year-old girl was killed recently by a pack of dogs in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Tribal officials responded by rounding up a trailer full of stray dogs and killing them. Do you think that response was the right decision? Is that humane? How do you think animals, including pets, should be treated? Some animals are sacred in tribes across the country. Do you feel an obligation to make sure all animals are treated humanely? Is the treatment of animals a concern for you – why or why not?
Dr. Tolani Francisco (Laguna) -Director, executive committee for veterinary service and public health with the Native America Humane Society
Marilou Chanrasmi -President and co-founder of Leech Lake Legacy
Stephanie Seay -media coordinator for the Buffalo Field Campaign
Break Music: Jefecito (song) John Carlos (artist) Perea (album)