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The Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians granted tribal membership back to 60 people who were disenrolled nine years ago. The action is a departure from a recent wave of disenrollement among some tribes in the west. Disenrolled members are no longer federally recognized tribal citizens and as a result lose benefits like health care, percap income and even housing. The Nooksak Indian Tribe is suing the federal government over sanctions imposed over election disputes stemming from disenrollment. Sovereignty gives independent tribal nations the ability to determine their members. But campaigns against disenrollment are aiming to change opinions. Is mass disenrollment on its way out?
E.J. Crandell – chairman of the Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians
Gabe Galanda (Round Valley Tribe of Indians) – attorney with Galanda Broadman
Break music: Steadfast (song) Mr.Elive, Phillip Charette (artist) Tengaurtukut (album)
Disenrollment has harmed over 10,000 Native Americans. HOW MANY does it have to be to BE WRONG?
ORIGINAL PECHANGA BLOG has been keeping the issue on the front burners for a DISGRACEFUL DECADE. Time for Natives to stand up for themselves.
HONOR your ancestors, and defend you and your children’s rights to belong.
Thanks to Eddie Crandell Sr. for being a LEADER in Indian Country by returning rightful members back to the tribe. It’s a shame that so many disenrolled have walked on without justice.
Native America Calling can start a tidal wave with some forceful reporting. Thanks to Original Pechanga for keeping the smoke signals going.
Thanks to Gabe Galanda for leading the academic front of this war we fight for justice.
Look forward to hearing what is said on the show….
Disenrollment is not a perfectly legal act. Pechanga’s disenrollment of the Hunter family was done illegally according our own Constitution and Bylaws. Although all requirements for enrollment were met by the Hunters. Proof of lineage which went back to the original village Temeeku and included findings by a renowned anthropologist Dr. John Johnson hired by Pechanga Enrollment Committee which proved 100% we were from Pechanga were disregarded by the tribal government. When the General Council petitioned and passed by majority vote to end all disenrollment the Tribal council went behind the general council’s backs and disenrolled the Hunters. When tribal members tried to stand against it they were threatened with disenrollment of themselves and families. Pechanga is ruled by oppression of the people by a corrupt tribal government. That is not legal.
Disenrollment is hateful. It is putting down our own people. When I hear this and experience this it makes me feel sick inside. Who are we to tell any other that they are not enough blood to be Indian? This is not what we first peoples were put on Mother Earth to do, especially to each other. WE have felled as one race when we do this. Our constitutions are old and out dated. To say who belongs or not based on a blood degree is a disgace by itself. Our constitutions were written by the White Man. Who else in our human race walks around with a tribal card indicating their blood degree? If we think money is the answer we got it all wrong. We cant take it with us when we pass on. Creator put everything right here on earth for us. We are the teachers, we bring knowledge and love. But we can’t seem to get past jealously, greed, hate. As one elder told me when creator was giving out gifts to man the indians kept getting back in line because they wanted more and more. Like I say from the start my heart is heavy and if we don’t get past this greed and hate for each other we have felled as one. When we stand together , pray together, as one together we are a very strong race. As this is a beautiful thing and this is what Native Pride Peoples is all about. I don’t want to have my children experience this but they are. But they know that this greed and hate is wrong. They are out there teaching love and that we are all one. One earth one love.
Thank you for allowing us callers to speak on our tribal disenrollment experience. today.
So many good points were brought up, and there are so many more stories out there that need to be told.
Unmentioned was the FALMOUTH Institute, which has seminars on how to disenroll tribal people. That’s why many stories have tribal spokespeople saying word for word what other tribes say.
The number mentioned was 11,000, we have the details BY TRIBE, here:
This was compiled by Alice L. Sloan, whose husband Gene was disenrolled from Guidiville.
NAME ONE American that has had their US citizenship stripped from them. You CANNOT, because the idea is so egregious, that it’s almost unthinkable. Yet tribes are doing it with impunity.
Please, continue to share your stories here, or contact me
I want to thank all the work Attorney Gabe Galanda and Tribal Chairman Eddie Crandell Sr. are doing bringing awareness to the Disenrolled people across the nation. Having great LEADERS returning rightful members back to the tribe is a huge step in the right direction.
And the beginning of healing for your people.
Being a members of the three families (Blue’s, Browns and Taylor’s) who have been disenrolled from Wilton Rancheria Tribe we have been trying to get our story out. And sadly hearing other tribes stories sound too familiar from the podcast segment today. With tribal leaders reaching out too these certain tribes who disenroll their members are key right now.
Our 93 yr old tribal Elder was Disenrolled from the only tribe she’s known and that’s why we fight so hard for our people!
We were stripped from our membership all because Wilton chose to exclude all the Census families and historical documents only to include the members on the 1959 distributee list by taking the word “WILL” include to “MAY” include in the constitution for membership. After our families served on the interim board over 20 yrs. to get Wilton restored.
Now they are claiming our Blue family cemetery as a tribal cemetery and this is not true. What tribe would get rid of their historical documents, Elders, Children?
Wilton tribe has members related to BIA Regional Director Amy Dutschke who second cousins actually petitioned for removal of our three families. We were stripped from our citizenship and civil rights by greed for a Casino. She has never recused herself.
The system is broken all over Indian Country and we need justice for all Native people! We fight the government for water, land, etc. We never thought we’d fight our own people.